Integrating Coconut Oil into Your Beauty Regimen.

You wouldn’t know it from first glance, but coconut oil can serve many beauty purposes. While it may seem counterintuitive to put oil on your face or other parts of your body, I promise coconut oil is a lifesaver! Whether it’s cleaning off your makeup or treating damaged hair, coconut oil has earned its title as a top natural beauty product.

Scroll on for ways you can integrate coconut oil into your beauty regimen:

1. Makeup removal.

I can’t count how many times I’ve reached for a jar of coconut oil to help take off the most stubborn of makeup products.  The makeup slides right off without you having to tug and pull at your skin the way you would with a makeup wipe. After you’re done, wipe the spot away with warm water and you'll notice a massive difference!

2. Freshen your breath.

Never underestimate the power of coconut oil to help freshen up your breath and clean your teeth. With the coconut oil in liquid form, swish it around in your mouth it for 20 minutes . The oil pulling process helps to clean your mouth, get healthier gums and whiten your teeth.

3. Shaving.

That’s right, you can apply coconut oil before you shave. Not only will you be able to get a close shave, but the product will help with avoiding skin irritation. The oil makes it easier to clean up the razor blades as well, which sounds likes a win-win in my book. Just be careful to avoid slipping while you're cleaning up!

4. Moisturizer.

Sometimes we forget how something as simple as coconut oil can be used as a moisturizer. It’s great for keeping skin and chapped lips hydrated. Place a bit of in a travel-sized container so you can re-apply when you’re on the go.

5. Clean your make up brushes.

Instead of using the typical warm soap and water method to wash your makeup brushes, try using coconut oil in liquid form instead. The coconut oil helps to protect the bristles and also clean out the gunk on the brushes.

6. Under-eye cream.

Who wants to pay an arm and a leg for product? Use coconut oil as an alternative to your traditional under-eye cream. Coconut oil penetrates deep into the skin, helping to prevent wrinkles and under-eye bags.

7. Hair growth.

When done correctly, coconut oil can be used to help with hair growth. This is ideal if you want to grow thicker eyebrows or if you would like more conditioned eyelashes. Just rub the coconut oil into the area where you want the hair to grow and watch it works its magic!

8. Sooth scars and sunburns.

When the temps go up, it’s common to get sunburned. Use coconut oil to sooth a sunburn. Plus, your skin will be silky smooth afterwards, which definitely comes in handy when your skin has had too much sun.  In addition, it can be used to treat the look of scars.

9. Treat hair.

When it comes to treating the hair, the options with coconut oil seems endless. Take a dab of coconut oil and run it through the ends of your hair to alleviate brittle and damaged ends. Not only can it heal your hair, but it can work as a conditioner to soften your hair. The oil also repels water and it can be used to control frizzy hair in even the worst humidity.

Which are your favorite ways to use coconut oil? Which tips do you plan on trying? Let me know in the comments below.